Monday, June 24, 2013

Morocco - The Marrekech Express!

So I had a few weeks to kill in late April and early May, and my daughter decided she'd quite like to see Spain... Deal, says I.  So I booked us flights in and out of Paris and onto Morocco with a plan of working our way north from Marrekech through Spain and back to Paris, which is exactly what we did.
We spent two days and nights in Paris (after losing my brand new I-Phone on a connecting flight in Amsterdam) and then hopped a flight to Marrekech.
Morocco is not a destination for intrepid tourists or scantilly clad women.  Sky showed up in spaghetti straps and left bundled up.  We were told that the only exposure Moroccan men have to western women is through pornography on the internet and tourists and all too often they confuse the two.  It started out with lots of attention for Sky which she liked but then men started following us, walking beside us jeering and whistling and hanging around us.  In addition to that harassment, the beggers and self-appointed guides were very annoying and we couldnt leave our hotels or explore in public without being harassed.  And no matter what amount of money I gave them from my pocket or wallet, it was never enough and we were spit at, called names and insulted. It was difficult to shop as everyone had a hand out for commissions before we had even decided on what to eat or buy.  In the end, we fled from Marrekech to Fez and onto Tangiers until we were safe on the Spanish side of the Straight (Gibraltar), where we spent money that we would have preferred to spend in Morocco.
Despite all that, we did enjoy exploring the Souks (markets) and a tannery and Sky passed her 19th birthday in the luxury of an Arabian Palace in Marrekech.